Impact Central Illinois

Impact Central Illinois 2024 Nonprofit Grant Recipients Selected

It was another energetic evening as the members of Impact Central Illinois celebrated their Annual Meeting on June 4, 2024, at Five Points Washington Community Center. Members came together to vote on the final grant recipients for the 2023-2024 grant cycle.  To date, Impact Central Illinois has awarded $1,263,000 in grants to local nonprofits in five years. Three (3) $100,000 IMPACT Grants were awarded in three categories for a total of $300,000 and one $25,000 INSPIRE Grant was awarded to a smaller nonprofit. Runner-up prizes were also awarded to all presenting organizations. 

South Side Mission
In the category of Education & Community Development
$100,000 Grant

Pictured here: Rich Draeger, Jewel Dawson and Craig Williams

Project Description: Greater Academic Progress Youth Program
South Side Mission is proud to offer initiatives that address measurable needs in our community while employing innovative solutions. We are driven by a passionate staff who work alongside mentors and community leaders to create an environment where every child feels valued, supported, and inspired. With juvenile crime still a concern, we recognize the need for academic support, mentorship, and enrichment opportunities in a safe place for underserved youth. Our program is designed to address these needs head-on, providing resources and guidance to youth facing societal and educational challenges. Our program embraces innovative solutions that leverage technology, community partnerships, and evidence-based practices to enhance learning and expand opportunities for our students. From Social Emotional learning to interactive STEM activities and e-sports to hands-on projects in 3D design and hydroponics, we empower youth to explore their passions, cultivate critical skills, and embrace the joy of discovery in a safe environment.
Family House
In the category of Health & Community Wellbeing
​$100,000 Grant

Pictured here: Shanna Shipman

Project Description: A Home Away from Home on the Journey to Health
Children and adults who are fighting for their lives deserve a safe place to rest. At Family House, we provide a temporary home for patients and loved ones depending on local hospitals. For our guests – cancer patients, transplant recipients, and others – small things can be life-altering and even life-threatening. Viruses and bacteria can steal one’s chances for recovery. Yet often, patients do not have a home that is conducive to healing or in proximity to care. Therefore we are expanding our programming to best serve guests who are battling for their health. This requires partnerships with medical providers, professional learning for staff, and a home environment that promotes physical and mental health, especially for the immunocompromised. If awarded, grant funds will be used for professional development, replacement of carpet with hypoallergenic flooring, and hospital-grade antimicrobial paint that reduces illness. Family House keeps families together…and must also keep them safe.

CASA of the Tenth Judicial Circuit
In the category of Social Services & Basic Needs
​$100,000 Grant

Pictured here: Brian Burelli, Pamela Perriles, Kimberly Geno & Ryan Lacerna

Project Description: CASA Volunteer Recruitment Campaign
Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs) are a voice for children who have experienced abuse and neglect. In 2023, there were approximately 1,700 children involved with the juvenile abuse and neglect court in the Tenth Judicial Circuit. Through the work of our dedicated CASA volunteers, CASA served 442 children in 2023 providing critical advocacy. We need more CASAs! This proposal is to execute a robust CASA Volunteer Recruitment Campaign with the goal of recruiting 100 new CASA volunteers to serve 300+ new children.

Impact Austin's 2018 grant to CASA of Travis County yielded exceptional results, with 400 new CASAs. By partnering with Central States Marketing with a similar campaign, we have a wonderful opportunity to serve more children in our community. CASA volunteers ensure the health, safety, and well-being of children while breaking cycles of generational trauma and poverty. Every child deserves a chance. You can Change a Child's Story!

Camp Big Sky
In the category of INSPIRE
$25,000 Grant 

Pictured here: Haven Kensinger & Brad Guidi
Project Description: Learning Center and Lodge Completion
As we celebrate our twentieth season, we are planning for the future of our mission by undertaking a capital campaign to double our capacity to serve. Funds raised through your support of Camp Big Sky will, in part, be used to complete the lower level of the Learning Center and Lodge. Constructed in 2016, this fully accessible facility houses our Volunteer Training initiative, Life Skills Education Program and has hosted hundreds of overnight guests for extended stays. We will also upgrade our solar energy storage capacity and install an automatic backup generator to ensure reliable and consistent power for the Learning Center and Lodge. The completion of the Learning Center and Lodge will enable us to honor our core value of serving guests in a safe, efficient, and quality manner. We are maximizing opportunities for people with disabilities to experience the outdoors and live engaged, inclusive, productive, and meaningful lives.

2024 Runners Up were Awarded $2,500 Each
Look. It’s My Book!
Tazewell County Resource Centers Inc
Neighborhood house
Midwest Food Bank

2024 Third Place Semi-Finalists were Awarded $1,000 Each
Community Need Agency of Chillicothe
W. D. Boyce Council, Boy Scouts of America
Illinois Mission of Mercy
Sophia's Kitchen

Thank you to all members and participants for enriching our community!