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Meet Maria Chambers

Beth Clark

Tell us a little about yourself
My name is Maria Chambers, I am a mom of two boys, Cameron (5) and Henry (9 months), and wife to Pete. I am the manager of organizational development - operations at OSF HealthCare. I am passionate about the Mission of OSF and our central Illinois community, I love connecting with people and supporting their growth and development. I have been an Impact member for three years - I serve on the Basic Needs & Social Services Grant Review Committee and assist with social media for the Impact Marketing team.
What has been your favorite experience in Impact so far? I appreciate the different opportunities to be involved at any level of engagement that fits you. The collective giving model of Impact by women at all stages in their giving journey is so empowering and something I am proud to be a part of. The annual meeting and hearing directly from those nonprofits up for a grant, in person, is also such a powerful connection to the community that carries well beyond one night in June. It really is such a special night.
What is a charitable non-profit that has left a mark in your life? (In any way, i.e. whether you were a benefactor, a beneficiary, or a volunteer)
Big Brothers Big Sisters - I was matched with my little sister when she was entering third grade. She graduates high school in May. We've stayed connected through all of the life changes over the years. She has grown into an amazing young woman (she's getting ready to go to college!), and I am so thankful I was "matched" with her 10 years ago. She and her family are so special to our family.

Who inspires you to be generous?
My husband. We have always connected over community and striving to do our part to make where we live a better place for all. Pete is so passionate about every endeavor he is involved in -- after we were married, he became involved with Build Peoria and is currently on the board. I have experienced him putting his heart and soul into this organization and it truly is a driving force for our family to continue to reflect on how we might be able to make an impact and then take action.
What is your word of wisdom to someone who wants to make a difference in their community? Just start somewhere - even if you're feeling intimidated or feeling like you aren't sure you have time or resources. Your giving back can start out so small but grow into one of the best parts of your life. 
05/04/2023 10:33am
I loved reading this Maria! Thank you for contributing to this member spotlight! You are an inspiration! The love and commitment you and Pete have for our Central IL community is genuine and so very appreciated. Thank you for caring and for investing your time, treasure and talent!!