Impact Central Illinois
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Selecting Impact Members to Interview

Beth Clark
Are you enjoing reading about your fellow Impact Central Illinois Members?
Ever wondered who gets selected to be interviewed?

Impact Central Illinois has 315 members and they all have a story.  
With so many interesting and talented women how would we ever decide who to interview.  We didn't want to offend anyone and we didn't want it to look like a popularity contest so we were in a quandry.

We had two choices:
Don't do anyone, if we can't do everyone
Randomly select members to spotlight so everyone has an equal chance to share their story.

So, we decided on the second option!
We have two writers who will be literally drawing a name from a hat. They will then call the selected member and ask for an in-person or telephonic interview.  Once written, we will post on our BLOG page and send out a Social Media post via Facebook and Instagram with a link to the new Spotlight.  

If you get the call - PLEASE share your story with us.